April 18, 2018

Newsletter: Spring 2018

Spring 2018: I’m quietly settling back into my routine in London after spending four months in India coordinating the 2018 and planning the 2020  IVC conferences. I’m back to accepting new clients for tarot and astrology consultations. LIGHT YOUR INNER FIRE!! Just click the link to make an appointment. Lots of events coming up including Organisation for Professional Astrology, United Astrology Conference, the Denver Astrology Group, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth” with CIA, Associazione Jayavidya (Italy), Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference and Astra in Riga, Latvia. And of course, I’ll be returning to India in early 2019 for the IVC national conference. The […]
April 19, 2018

Saturn in Capricorn: The Hard Reign

A beautiful school in Kolkata Saturn will soon be in Capricorn for the next couple of years and everyone’s talking out it. OK, the astrologers are talking about it. It’s big shift all right and usually some sort of symbolism makes its way to the front pages of the international newspapers when Saturn changes signs.  Remember “Je suis Charlie?” just as Saturn lurched back and forth over the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius at the end of 2014? Saturn in Sagittarius began with our need to speak our Truth and it will end with a lot of us wondering what […]
April 23, 2018

Jupiter in Scorpio Pupils (like Royal Baby 3!)

We’ve just had new of a new Royal baby! Born 23 April 2018 at 11:01 am in London. Here’s a little but about Jupiter in Scorpio learners originally published in Kindred Spirit: Astrology in Education for New Year 7s Pupils born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006 will be gearing up to start secondary school in September. For pupils leaving their familiar primary school, starting secondary school can be a bit of a shock to the system. Strong support networks need to be in place to help these children cope with this process. Here are just a few […]
April 26, 2018

End of Season for Cherry Picking

Astrology Research that engages sceptics is very rare. If it does exist, then Astrologers are dismissed by their critics for their lack of precision, non-replicable results and minuscule databases. I wanted to address these criticisms and show other astrologers how they can too. This first hand version of the events leading up to publication of my research on adolescent behaviour and lunar phases appeared in the Autumn equinox 2017 edition of The Career Astrologer published by The Organization for Professional Astrologers and is posted here with grateful permission. My research into adolescent behaviour and lunar phases first made the astrology headlines with […]
May 15, 2018

Uranus in Taurus: Shift Happens With Collaboration

What’s all the fuss about Uranus moving into Taurus? Well, shift happens! Astrologers get terribly excited when one of the planets beyond the so-called “classics” are about to change signs. The reason for all the excitement is because the “outer” planets have considerably longer orbits, meaning they stay in zodiacal signs much longer than the others. Take Uranus for example. With an orbit of about 84 years, Uranus takes about 8 years to move through a given sign. For the past 8 years as Uranus transited through Aries, we’ve seen an exponential rise in self promotion, including “selfies”, self publishing, […]
August 5, 2018

Back to school

Back to School With Astrology Copyright: Alex Trenoweth, 2018 Teachers, parents and pupils in the northern hemisphere are preparing for the commencement of a new academic year. And what better way to begin the academic year than with a head start? Coming soon is a very special guide for each year group. Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for special offers on professional consultations, webinars and classes. In the meantime, here are a few astrological tips to help children get the most out of their free education. AND. . .if you ever wondered if LUNAR PHASE has an impact […]
April 18, 2018

Newsletter: Spring 2018

Spring 2018: I’m quietly settling back into my routine in London after spending four months in India coordinating the 2018 and planning the 2020  IVC conferences. I’m back to accepting new clients for tarot and astrology consultations. LIGHT YOUR INNER FIRE!! Just click the link to make an appointment. Lots of events coming up including Organisation for Professional Astrology, United Astrology Conference, the Denver Astrology Group, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth” with CIA, Associazione Jayavidya (Italy), Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference and Astra in Riga, Latvia. And of course, I’ll be returning to India in early 2019 for the IVC national conference. The […]
April 19, 2018

Saturn in Capricorn: The Hard Reign

A beautiful school in Kolkata Saturn will soon be in Capricorn for the next couple of years and everyone’s talking out it. OK, the astrologers are talking about it. It’s big shift all right and usually some sort of symbolism makes its way to the front pages of the international newspapers when Saturn changes signs.  Remember “Je suis Charlie?” just as Saturn lurched back and forth over the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius at the end of 2014? Saturn in Sagittarius began with our need to speak our Truth and it will end with a lot of us wondering what […]
April 23, 2018

Jupiter in Scorpio Pupils (like Royal Baby 3!)

We’ve just had new of a new Royal baby! Born 23 April 2018 at 11:01 am in London. Here’s a little but about Jupiter in Scorpio learners originally published in Kindred Spirit: Astrology in Education for New Year 7s Pupils born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006 will be gearing up to start secondary school in September. For pupils leaving their familiar primary school, starting secondary school can be a bit of a shock to the system. Strong support networks need to be in place to help these children cope with this process. Here are just a few […]
April 26, 2018

End of Season for Cherry Picking

Astrology Research that engages sceptics is very rare. If it does exist, then Astrologers are dismissed by their critics for their lack of precision, non-replicable results and minuscule databases. I wanted to address these criticisms and show other astrologers how they can too. This first hand version of the events leading up to publication of my research on adolescent behaviour and lunar phases appeared in the Autumn equinox 2017 edition of The Career Astrologer published by The Organization for Professional Astrologers and is posted here with grateful permission. My research into adolescent behaviour and lunar phases first made the astrology headlines with […]
May 15, 2018

Uranus in Taurus: Shift Happens With Collaboration

What’s all the fuss about Uranus moving into Taurus? Well, shift happens! Astrologers get terribly excited when one of the planets beyond the so-called “classics” are about to change signs. The reason for all the excitement is because the “outer” planets have considerably longer orbits, meaning they stay in zodiacal signs much longer than the others. Take Uranus for example. With an orbit of about 84 years, Uranus takes about 8 years to move through a given sign. For the past 8 years as Uranus transited through Aries, we’ve seen an exponential rise in self promotion, including “selfies”, self publishing, […]
August 5, 2018

Back to school

Back to School With Astrology Copyright: Alex Trenoweth, 2018 Teachers, parents and pupils in the northern hemisphere are preparing for the commencement of a new academic year. And what better way to begin the academic year than with a head start? Coming soon is a very special guide for each year group. Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for special offers on professional consultations, webinars and classes. In the meantime, here are a few astrological tips to help children get the most out of their free education. AND. . .if you ever wondered if LUNAR PHASE has an impact […]