April 27, 2019

Interview with Margaret and Armand

Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz interviewed Alex Trenoweth for their show “Relationships and Astrology“. They discuss the challenges of educating children and how astrology can help. Armand explains why “Growing Pains” is a model astrology book that anyone can access. See the full interview here The trio discuss the importance of the relationships between teachers and their pupils. Alex discloses why the odds are stacked against this possibility. However, she also reveals how astrology can be enormously beneficial. She also points out how Saturn, the planet normally associated with difficulties, becomes the guiding light for parents and teachers. As a […]
November 19, 2019

International Acclaim for Growing Pains

A few years ago, I wrote the book that changed my life. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received from parents, teachers and fellow astrologers. If you’re looking for something special ,”Growing Pains” makes a great gift! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter, youtube and Linkedin (@alextrenoweth) and Instagram (@astrology.conference.ace). If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I love to travel […]
June 17, 2020

Safeguarding in Astrology: The Interview

My publisher, Margaret Cahill from The Wessex Astrologer, spoke to me about safeguarding and protection in Astrology. Here is the link for the full interview. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook, Twitter, youtube, Linkedin and and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Even though we’re locked down, there are still plenty of online astrological events happening. You can check out my schedule here. For you students, I have a FREE mini course on Midpoints and Harmonics. […]
August 27, 2024

Childhood Education: A study by a teacher and astrologer

This article on astrology and education originally appeared in Dell Horoscope, the world’s leading astrology magazine. My new article “When a Flower Speaks” appears in the May/June 2018 issue. Dismissed for their lack of precision, non-replicable results and miniscule databases, modern day astrologers are often ridiculed by their skeptics. Can astrologers step up to the scientific plate or will they go down with the pseudoscience ship? In my role as a schoolteacher, the bias against being an astrologer was so great that I was actually threatened with dismissal should any parent complain about my interests in the subject. As I […]
April 27, 2019

Interview with Margaret and Armand

Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz interviewed Alex Trenoweth for their show “Relationships and Astrology“. They discuss the challenges of educating children and how astrology can help. Armand explains why “Growing Pains” is a model astrology book that anyone can access. See the full interview here The trio discuss the importance of the relationships between teachers and their pupils. Alex discloses why the odds are stacked against this possibility. However, she also reveals how astrology can be enormously beneficial. She also points out how Saturn, the planet normally associated with difficulties, becomes the guiding light for parents and teachers. As a […]
November 19, 2019

International Acclaim for Growing Pains

A few years ago, I wrote the book that changed my life. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received from parents, teachers and fellow astrologers. If you’re looking for something special ,”Growing Pains” makes a great gift! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter, youtube and Linkedin (@alextrenoweth) and Instagram (@astrology.conference.ace). If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I love to travel […]
June 17, 2020

Safeguarding in Astrology: The Interview

My publisher, Margaret Cahill from The Wessex Astrologer, spoke to me about safeguarding and protection in Astrology. Here is the link for the full interview. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook, Twitter, youtube, Linkedin and and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Even though we’re locked down, there are still plenty of online astrological events happening. You can check out my schedule here. For you students, I have a FREE mini course on Midpoints and Harmonics. […]
August 27, 2024

Childhood Education: A study by a teacher and astrologer

This article on astrology and education originally appeared in Dell Horoscope, the world’s leading astrology magazine. My new article “When a Flower Speaks” appears in the May/June 2018 issue. Dismissed for their lack of precision, non-replicable results and miniscule databases, modern day astrologers are often ridiculed by their skeptics. Can astrologers step up to the scientific plate or will they go down with the pseudoscience ship? In my role as a schoolteacher, the bias against being an astrologer was so great that I was actually threatened with dismissal should any parent complain about my interests in the subject. As I […]