August 27, 2010

Newsletter: October 2017

Agent 144 of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency has been very busy rocking the astrology world! September is a busy month for teachers but as I’ve taken the very clever route of supply teaching (no planning, marking, parents’ evenings, staff meetings/briefings or break/dinner duties and more money–need I say more?), back-to-school can be a little slow. Except for me. This has been quite the month of lectures and getting published! September started with a date in Woking and ended with my article on the front cover of (wait for it) DELL HOROSCOPE!! You can buy the digital version on this link or […]
July 23, 2017

Newsletter: June 2017

“The Trials and Tribulations of Saturn in Pisces”   I always advise parents and teachers to get to grips with their Saturn so believe me when I say I’ve been giving my Saturn a top notch workout. These past few months have seen some crazy scheduling, some full -throttle research and the kind of organising and diplomacy skills that only come from  years of experience in a classroom. Yes, I’ve been a little busy and lest I tempt fate, allow me to thank the gods that be for the guidance it takes to get a mucky pup like me through […]
September 6, 2017

Newsletter: Back to School September 2017

“That Time of Year Again” I’ve blogged about the last leg of my adventure in the US so I won’t repeat myself on my website but I will take the opportunity to announce a few upcoming lectures, writing gigs and other adventures happening. Be sure to go all the way to the bottom of this page to find special offers and other goodies. Having landed safely at Heathrow fresh from my US tour, I rushed off to say au revoir  to my very good friend Tahran Read of Spica Astrology over lunch at one of his favourite restaurants. Tahran and I […]
April 18, 2018

Newsletter: Spring 2018

Spring 2018: I’m quietly settling back into my routine in London after spending four months in India coordinating the 2018 and planning the 2020  IVC conferences. I’m back to accepting new clients for tarot and astrology consultations. LIGHT YOUR INNER FIRE!! Just click the link to make an appointment. Lots of events coming up including Organisation for Professional Astrology, United Astrology Conference, the Denver Astrology Group, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth” with CIA, Associazione Jayavidya (Italy), Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference and Astra in Riga, Latvia. And of course, I’ll be returning to India in early 2019 for the IVC national conference. The […]
August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Portugal

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please book via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I update my website with new […]
August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Kepler (Canaveral Research)

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Astrological research is where it’s at! Astrological research has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Although the Kepler Conference and Canaveral Research now seems defunct, other astrologers have stepped up ti the astrological research plate. The Vibrational Astrology Conference, convened by David Cochrane, is a very formidable replacement. Astrological research has just moved laterally! The Kepler Astrology Conference, was held on beautiful Cocoa Beach Florida, was an astrology conference with a difference: the speakers were all nerds! We tested […]
August 27, 2010

Newsletter: October 2017

Agent 144 of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency has been very busy rocking the astrology world! September is a busy month for teachers but as I’ve taken the very clever route of supply teaching (no planning, marking, parents’ evenings, staff meetings/briefings or break/dinner duties and more money–need I say more?), back-to-school can be a little slow. Except for me. This has been quite the month of lectures and getting published! September started with a date in Woking and ended with my article on the front cover of (wait for it) DELL HOROSCOPE!! You can buy the digital version on this link or […]
July 23, 2017

Newsletter: June 2017

“The Trials and Tribulations of Saturn in Pisces”   I always advise parents and teachers to get to grips with their Saturn so believe me when I say I’ve been giving my Saturn a top notch workout. These past few months have seen some crazy scheduling, some full -throttle research and the kind of organising and diplomacy skills that only come from  years of experience in a classroom. Yes, I’ve been a little busy and lest I tempt fate, allow me to thank the gods that be for the guidance it takes to get a mucky pup like me through […]
September 6, 2017

Newsletter: Back to School September 2017

“That Time of Year Again” I’ve blogged about the last leg of my adventure in the US so I won’t repeat myself on my website but I will take the opportunity to announce a few upcoming lectures, writing gigs and other adventures happening. Be sure to go all the way to the bottom of this page to find special offers and other goodies. Having landed safely at Heathrow fresh from my US tour, I rushed off to say au revoir  to my very good friend Tahran Read of Spica Astrology over lunch at one of his favourite restaurants. Tahran and I […]
April 18, 2018

Newsletter: Spring 2018

Spring 2018: I’m quietly settling back into my routine in London after spending four months in India coordinating the 2018 and planning the 2020  IVC conferences. I’m back to accepting new clients for tarot and astrology consultations. LIGHT YOUR INNER FIRE!! Just click the link to make an appointment. Lots of events coming up including Organisation for Professional Astrology, United Astrology Conference, the Denver Astrology Group, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth” with CIA, Associazione Jayavidya (Italy), Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference and Astra in Riga, Latvia. And of course, I’ll be returning to India in early 2019 for the IVC national conference. The […]
August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Portugal

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please book via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I update my website with new […]
August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Kepler (Canaveral Research)

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Astrological research is where it’s at! Astrological research has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Although the Kepler Conference and Canaveral Research now seems defunct, other astrologers have stepped up ti the astrological research plate. The Vibrational Astrology Conference, convened by David Cochrane, is a very formidable replacement. Astrological research has just moved laterally! The Kepler Astrology Conference, was held on beautiful Cocoa Beach Florida, was an astrology conference with a difference: the speakers were all nerds! We tested […]