November 10, 2018

Lecture Schedule 2020

Travelling Schedule This is my travel schedule for 2020. I update this page a lot so check every now again for more dates. After a crazy few years of travel, I’m taking a bit of time out to do some writing! So what will I be up to instead of running through airports? I will be a columnist for a fab astrology magazine and will be doing a full course for a prestigious astrology school and I’m considering other offers to teach astrology for respected astrology schools. Also watch out for me on International Astrology Day when I will be […]
January 10, 2019

Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference

The Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference (SVAC) is held annually in Arizona, USA and is hosted by Dr Dennis Harness and is supported by top Jyotish astrologers from around the world. Although I am not a Vedic astrologer, I can’t help but fawn over Dennis: he is not only a brilliant astrologer and a wonderful person but I credit him for helping me overcome my resistance to the sidereal zodiac and its accompanying techniques. I’ll never forget the moment when my astro brother Ian Waisler and I picked up his book in Cape Town and the two of us began hacking […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 19, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Should Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference (even if it’s online)

I HIGHLY recommend that starry fans attend at least one conference for astrologers (even if it’s online!!_in their lifetime. The International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) is putting on their astrology conference 10-14 September 2020 in Westminster Colorado and this one is one of my favourites for a lot of reasons. But check out a few of the others–they are diverse, affordable and a lot of fun! At the time of writing, we’re not sure if it will join the FABBO NORWAC conference in being online or if it will be live. It looks increasingly like the former but we’ll […]
October 23, 2019

One of the UK’s TOP THREE Astrology Websites?

So out of the blue, I got an email informing me that this website is one of the UK’s TOP THREE astrology websites! This site was chosen by a panelist from the Top 10 UK Astrology Blogs! I’m especially delighted as I’ve also just completed the arduous task of writing 14 astrology conference reviews! I’ve beautifully linked the reviews altogether in my article “10 Reasons Why You Need to Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference”. This project has been something I’ve been working on for some time now. It’s wonderful when things come together at the right time. I’m hoping […]
November 10, 2018

Lecture Schedule 2020

Travelling Schedule This is my travel schedule for 2020. I update this page a lot so check every now again for more dates. After a crazy few years of travel, I’m taking a bit of time out to do some writing! So what will I be up to instead of running through airports? I will be a columnist for a fab astrology magazine and will be doing a full course for a prestigious astrology school and I’m considering other offers to teach astrology for respected astrology schools. Also watch out for me on International Astrology Day when I will be […]
January 10, 2019

Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference

The Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference (SVAC) is held annually in Arizona, USA and is hosted by Dr Dennis Harness and is supported by top Jyotish astrologers from around the world. Although I am not a Vedic astrologer, I can’t help but fawn over Dennis: he is not only a brilliant astrologer and a wonderful person but I credit him for helping me overcome my resistance to the sidereal zodiac and its accompanying techniques. I’ll never forget the moment when my astro brother Ian Waisler and I picked up his book in Cape Town and the two of us began hacking […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 19, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Should Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference (even if it’s online)

I HIGHLY recommend that starry fans attend at least one conference for astrologers (even if it’s online!!_in their lifetime. The International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) is putting on their astrology conference 10-14 September 2020 in Westminster Colorado and this one is one of my favourites for a lot of reasons. But check out a few of the others–they are diverse, affordable and a lot of fun! At the time of writing, we’re not sure if it will join the FABBO NORWAC conference in being online or if it will be live. It looks increasingly like the former but we’ll […]
October 23, 2019

One of the UK’s TOP THREE Astrology Websites?

So out of the blue, I got an email informing me that this website is one of the UK’s TOP THREE astrology websites! This site was chosen by a panelist from the Top 10 UK Astrology Blogs! I’m especially delighted as I’ve also just completed the arduous task of writing 14 astrology conference reviews! I’ve beautifully linked the reviews altogether in my article “10 Reasons Why You Need to Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference”. This project has been something I’ve been working on for some time now. It’s wonderful when things come together at the right time. I’m hoping […]