August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Kepler (Canaveral Research)

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Astrological research is where it’s at! Astrological research has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Although the Kepler Conference and Canaveral Research now seems defunct, other astrologers have stepped up ti the astrological research plate. The Vibrational Astrology Conference, convened by David Cochrane, is a very formidable replacement. Astrological research has just moved laterally! The Kepler Astrology Conference, was held on beautiful Cocoa Beach Florida, was an astrology conference with a difference: the speakers were all nerds! We tested […]
August 19, 2018

Astrology Conference Review: Kepler (Canaveral Research)

Been going to the same Astrology Conferences year after year? It’s time to get out of the same old routine! Astrological research is where it’s at! Astrological research has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Although the Kepler Conference and Canaveral Research now seems defunct, other astrologers have stepped up ti the astrological research plate. The Vibrational Astrology Conference, convened by David Cochrane, is a very formidable replacement. Astrological research has just moved laterally! The Kepler Astrology Conference, was held on beautiful Cocoa Beach Florida, was an astrology conference with a difference: the speakers were all nerds! We tested […]