February 9, 2019

The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind”

The Missing Notes! The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind” was not only my first published astrology article, it was also the topic of my first presentation at UAC in 2008. I was no particular fan of the movie or the book–until I found out the main characters were based on the signs of the zodiac. Since the article came out, I’ve heard all sorts of other guesses about what sign a character might be but I used what Margret Mitchell tenuously said they were. Quick Commercial Break! I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it’s almost time […]
November 9, 2019

The Search For Scarlett O’Hara

Vivian Leigh brought the character of Scarlett O’Hara to life like no other actress could. “Gone With the Wind” is having its Uranus return in 2020 so it’s a great time to look back on this article. The astrology of “Gone With the Wind” can be found in this article: “Gone With the Wind” The Zodiacal Parade“. Please note that as of July 2020, this article was temporarily withdrawn from this site because its updated version (including commentary on Olivia de Havilland) now appears in ISAR’s Journal. It will be re-posted later in the year. Before we go any further, please […]
January 7, 2025

Butterfly McQueen

Thelma “Butterfly” McQueen was born on 7 January 1911 in Tampa Florida (no birth time available). She is most famous for her role as squeaky voiced Prissy, (the house slave in Gone with the Wind who claimed to know everything about birthing babies but was reduced to a quivering wreck when Melanie went into a difficult labour). McQueen was born with Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Aries. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on […]
February 9, 2019

The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind”

The Missing Notes! The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind” was not only my first published astrology article, it was also the topic of my first presentation at UAC in 2008. I was no particular fan of the movie or the book–until I found out the main characters were based on the signs of the zodiac. Since the article came out, I’ve heard all sorts of other guesses about what sign a character might be but I used what Margret Mitchell tenuously said they were. Quick Commercial Break! I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it’s almost time […]
November 9, 2019

The Search For Scarlett O’Hara

Vivian Leigh brought the character of Scarlett O’Hara to life like no other actress could. “Gone With the Wind” is having its Uranus return in 2020 so it’s a great time to look back on this article. The astrology of “Gone With the Wind” can be found in this article: “Gone With the Wind” The Zodiacal Parade“. Please note that as of July 2020, this article was temporarily withdrawn from this site because its updated version (including commentary on Olivia de Havilland) now appears in ISAR’s Journal. It will be re-posted later in the year. Before we go any further, please […]
January 7, 2025

Butterfly McQueen

Thelma “Butterfly” McQueen was born on 7 January 1911 in Tampa Florida (no birth time available). She is most famous for her role as squeaky voiced Prissy, (the house slave in Gone with the Wind who claimed to know everything about birthing babies but was reduced to a quivering wreck when Melanie went into a difficult labour). McQueen was born with Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Aries. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on […]