November 19, 2019

International Acclaim for Growing Pains

A few years ago, I wrote the book that changed my life. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received from parents, teachers and fellow astrologers. If you’re looking for something special ,”Growing Pains” makes a great gift! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter, youtube and Linkedin (@alextrenoweth) and Instagram (@astrology.conference.ace). If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I love to travel […]
December 9, 2019

La crisis adolescente de Harry Potter

“La crisis adolescente de Harry Potter” Original en inglés: “The Growing Pains of Harry Potter”, escrito por Alex Trenoweth; traducción al español por Nicolás Boqué. (c) Alex Trenoweth, Constellation News, 2020 El 26 de junio de 1997, con una conjunción del Sol y Mercurio en Cáncer, se publicó el primero de la serie de siete libros — originalmente infantiles — de Harry Potter. Algunas personas dirán que, desde entonces, el mundo literario ya no es el mismo: magia, hechicería y oscuras frases en Latín encantaron a los Muggles como ningún otro libro lo ha hecho. J. K. Rowling se transformó […]
May 18, 2020

Educating Elliot Rodger

On 23 May 2014, Eliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others before killing himself in Isla Vista California. The incident took place as the lunar phase was approaching the New Moon. My research on children and behaviour shows that poor behaviour is more likely to occur at this phase. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please book via my […]
November 19, 2019

International Acclaim for Growing Pains

A few years ago, I wrote the book that changed my life. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received from parents, teachers and fellow astrologers. If you’re looking for something special ,”Growing Pains” makes a great gift! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter, youtube and Linkedin (@alextrenoweth) and Instagram (@astrology.conference.ace). If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I love to travel […]
December 9, 2019

La crisis adolescente de Harry Potter

“La crisis adolescente de Harry Potter” Original en inglés: “The Growing Pains of Harry Potter”, escrito por Alex Trenoweth; traducción al español por Nicolás Boqué. (c) Alex Trenoweth, Constellation News, 2020 El 26 de junio de 1997, con una conjunción del Sol y Mercurio en Cáncer, se publicó el primero de la serie de siete libros — originalmente infantiles — de Harry Potter. Algunas personas dirán que, desde entonces, el mundo literario ya no es el mismo: magia, hechicería y oscuras frases en Latín encantaron a los Muggles como ningún otro libro lo ha hecho. J. K. Rowling se transformó […]
May 18, 2020

Educating Elliot Rodger

On 23 May 2014, Eliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others before killing himself in Isla Vista California. The incident took place as the lunar phase was approaching the New Moon. My research on children and behaviour shows that poor behaviour is more likely to occur at this phase. Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to learn more about astrology from a fully qualified professional. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter and Instagram. If you’d like to have a chart reading, please book via my […]