May 27, 2019

Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror

This astrological story of Frankenstein, “Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror”, was  originally published in “The International Astrologer”,  Aries 2009 issue for ISAR.  It was re-published in “Astrology Quarterly”, (Vol. 79, No 2) for The Astrological Lodge of London a few years later. The article was updated in late 2016 with a corrected chart for Mary Shelley’s nightmare (which was the inspiration for her book “Frankenstein”) and was re-formated on 14 May 2018, the day before Uranus ingressed into the sign or Taurus. You Have Been Warned. . . “We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man […]
September 29, 2019

Canadian Astrology Conference Review

I was first introduced to Canadian astrology way back in 2014 via Donna Van Toen and the State of the Art Astrology Conference (SOTA). Although SOTA is held on American soil, it featured many Canadian astrologers and these contacts expanded into such a formidable circle that it eventually led to me being asked to give the keynote lecture at the Canadian Astrology Conference (CAC) in Edmonton Alberta, 13-15 September 2019. CAC combines the talents of the Edmonton Astrological Society and The Astrologers of Calgary and, quite rightly (as they are under represented and often confused with their American cousins), features […]
September 30, 2019

Latvian Astrology Conference Review

How on earth did I find myself speaking at the Latvian Astrology Conference when I couldn’t even speak a word of Latvian? I had been lecturing in Porto Portugal at the 1st International Astrology Conference in February 2017, when I was invited to speak in Latvia. I had heard of Latvia but wasn’t entirely confident I could put it on a map. But I said yes to the invitation anyway. That I could be so ignorant about what would be a fantastic adventure still embarrasses me. The Latvian Astrology Conference, held in Riga and organised by the wonderful Liga Sirona […]
September 30, 2019

Interview with Michael Bartlett: Jupiter and Saturn in the Classroom

Michael Bartlett talks to Alex about her motivation for writing her book “Growing Pains”. She talks about her experiences as a school teacher teaching in an astrology “no fly” zone. Alex’s work on Jupiter and Saturn in the classroom has the potential to help teachers reduce workload by helping them to work more efficiently. Alex explains how her students’ Jupiter and Saturn informs her style of teaching . This knowledges also enables her to motivate students who have to conform to the confines of the classroom. Michael and Alex demonstrate how the boundaries of Saturn keep children safe by allowing […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 12, 2019

Rohini Academy: Intro to Tarot Course

In this intro to Tarot Course, you will earn how to read tarot cards in a fun environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet new, like-minded people! The 7 week class will allow you to become familiar with the meanings of the cards. You will practice with fellow classmates and learn how to develop your intuition in a safe environment. Please bring your own tarot deck. There may be a few decks to borrow if you’d like to “test drive” new ones. The class will meet on Saturdays from 1-2pm from 19 October-14 December (no class on 26 Oct […]
May 27, 2019

Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror

This astrological story of Frankenstein, “Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror”, was  originally published in “The International Astrologer”,  Aries 2009 issue for ISAR.  It was re-published in “Astrology Quarterly”, (Vol. 79, No 2) for The Astrological Lodge of London a few years later. The article was updated in late 2016 with a corrected chart for Mary Shelley’s nightmare (which was the inspiration for her book “Frankenstein”) and was re-formated on 14 May 2018, the day before Uranus ingressed into the sign or Taurus. You Have Been Warned. . . “We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man […]
September 29, 2019

Canadian Astrology Conference Review

I was first introduced to Canadian astrology way back in 2014 via Donna Van Toen and the State of the Art Astrology Conference (SOTA). Although SOTA is held on American soil, it featured many Canadian astrologers and these contacts expanded into such a formidable circle that it eventually led to me being asked to give the keynote lecture at the Canadian Astrology Conference (CAC) in Edmonton Alberta, 13-15 September 2019. CAC combines the talents of the Edmonton Astrological Society and The Astrologers of Calgary and, quite rightly (as they are under represented and often confused with their American cousins), features […]
September 30, 2019

Latvian Astrology Conference Review

How on earth did I find myself speaking at the Latvian Astrology Conference when I couldn’t even speak a word of Latvian? I had been lecturing in Porto Portugal at the 1st International Astrology Conference in February 2017, when I was invited to speak in Latvia. I had heard of Latvia but wasn’t entirely confident I could put it on a map. But I said yes to the invitation anyway. That I could be so ignorant about what would be a fantastic adventure still embarrasses me. The Latvian Astrology Conference, held in Riga and organised by the wonderful Liga Sirona […]
September 30, 2019

Interview with Michael Bartlett: Jupiter and Saturn in the Classroom

Michael Bartlett talks to Alex about her motivation for writing her book “Growing Pains”. She talks about her experiences as a school teacher teaching in an astrology “no fly” zone. Alex’s work on Jupiter and Saturn in the classroom has the potential to help teachers reduce workload by helping them to work more efficiently. Alex explains how her students’ Jupiter and Saturn informs her style of teaching . This knowledges also enables her to motivate students who have to conform to the confines of the classroom. Michael and Alex demonstrate how the boundaries of Saturn keep children safe by allowing […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 12, 2019

Rohini Academy: Intro to Tarot Course

In this intro to Tarot Course, you will earn how to read tarot cards in a fun environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet new, like-minded people! The 7 week class will allow you to become familiar with the meanings of the cards. You will practice with fellow classmates and learn how to develop your intuition in a safe environment. Please bring your own tarot deck. There may be a few decks to borrow if you’d like to “test drive” new ones. The class will meet on Saturdays from 1-2pm from 19 October-14 December (no class on 26 Oct […]