The Astrology of the Club of 27
August 11, 2010Blood and Fire Through and Through
September 11, 2010Newsletter: October 2017

"Childhood Education: A study by a teacher and astrologer" was featured in Dell Horoscope
Agent 144 of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency has been very busy rocking the astrology world!
September is a busy month for teachers but as I’ve taken the very clever route of supply teaching (no planning, marking, parents’ evenings, staff meetings/briefings or break/dinner duties and more money–need I say more?), back-to-school can be a little slow.
Except for me. This has been quite the month of lectures and getting published! September started with a date in Woking and ended with my article on the front cover of (wait for it) DELL HOROSCOPE!! You can buy the digital version on this link or you can pick it up on newsstands across the world!
And, with the exception of a few days off for travel, I’ve worked every day this month. Which is great for the finances but being so busy makes it difficult to fit everything in.
What a crazy time it has been. Luckily I was savvy enough to look at what was coming up for the autumn a few months ago and was able to clear off a few writing projects ahead of schedule. What would I do without astrology to help me schedule ahead? I can honestly say, I probably would have had to back out of a few projects because I would have been too busy to do them well.
But back to the things what I’ve been up to. . .
I was the special guest on the long-running “Karmic Evolution” radio/podcast show with Sherri Horn Hassan. You can listen to a recording of the show on this link. I also was a guest on the “The Turning of the Wheel”, one of astrology’s longest running programs hosted by the lovely Chris Flisher! A recording of the programme can be found on iTunes and also now available on youtube.
On the Road Again
I love to travelling and getting out to meet other astrologers from around the world. So it was not only a privilege but great fun to get out and about in my own territory, the UK. My first stop was with the lovely Woking Astrology Group. Way back when I first got started on the lecture circuit, the Woking group had been a wonderful support. Lecturing a bit further afield has meant I haven’t been able to schedule local events as much as I like so I was very happy to have had the opportunity to support this group again.
Next up on the UK tour was a stop at the Scottish Astrological Association (

With a few members of the SAA after my lecture
SAA) in Edinburgh. I had never spoken so far north before so when offered the chance, I accepted. The last time I had visited Edinburgh was when my jazz band performed at the Fringe Festival so I know the city and venues reasonably well. But that didn’t stop me arriving to give my lecture soaking wet and nearly late! Fortunately my topic, rather than my impression of a drowned rat, kept the audience’s attention. I’ll be back to Edinburgh to run an Astrology in Education workshop in the near future.

With the Brighton Astrology Circle
My last lecture in the UK before heading to India, was at the Brighton Astrology Circle. My buddy Julian Venables (who will be speaking at the conference in Kolkata!) is the chair of this hip and cool group. Jules and I have a Sun-Moon conjunction so with him around, I can just sort of sit back and let him do all the shining. I was well impressed for the turn up and even more impressed with how many people jumped in for the photo afterwards!
I always have a writing queue. I keep a list of stuff I’m supposed to write and then cross the list off. But I keep adding things to the list so I never reach the end. Over the summer, I looked at my solar return for 2017 and reckoned I had better start crossing a few items off. My progressed Jupiter is conjunct my natal Sun with the solar return Mars on this conjunction (and Mars ruling the whole solar return chart), Progressed Mars on my natal Mercury and Progressed Sun and Mercury on my natal Uranus/Pluto conjunction. To top it all off the Mercury of my solar return chart is conjunct the North Node. Yeah, so writing features very strongly.
If you read my blog then you know my specialism is Astrology and Education. Like every other astrologer in the world, I do a lot of things with astrology but I’ve cleared a lot of fluff and silliness (although I just can’t resist an astro meme!) and just focused on what I’m good at. And how glad I am I did because it’s all paying off dividends.
Here’s a little summary:
I write a lot for the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. I’ve done their yearly horoscopes for 2017 and will be doing them again for 2018 (you can access them via this website too). I resolved I would not write any more horoscopes unless it was for a good site with a very big reach. Why on earth should I give away my hard for free if no one of import reads it? The very wonderful thing about CIA is that with over 1.5 million engaged social media members, the CIA is the largest astrology group in the world. The last time I checked, each sign had thousands of visits, hundreds of shares–and best of all, lots of new clients for me (how else do you think I fund those plane tickets and hotel rooms?)! And I’m very grateful that CIA hosted my very special back-to-school with astrology article, publicises my book (more on this in a minute) and has hosted a full day workshop in Melbourne and a webinar masterclass. I know from experience that CIA is choosy about who writes for them and so it is a real honour to be a part of this very important team doing very important work in the astrology world. There’s lots of free but QUALITY material from the very best astrological writers around the world and there are also webinars (live as well as recorded) to listen to if you want to learn more about astrology from the professionals. Membership is very reasonable and by joining, you’ll be able to access more exclusive material.
I also wrote to Kindred Spirit magazine not really expecting to even hear from them but they put my article on astrology and education on their website! And it was in time for the back-to-school crowd. What?! Hurray!

Lots of really fabulous goodies in this magazine!
The Organization for Professional Astrologers (OPA) With so much on my plate, I held off joining this organisation because I didn’t think I had enough time, energy or inclination to commit to any new projects. I had been on the fringes of the group for some time but was very reluctant to get involved. However, my friend, colleague (and former president of ISAR) David Cochrane gave me a little nudge by informing me that OPA was moving towards a more research based approach. Research based? I ADORE intelligent astrology. I get well tired of Sun Sign astrology (because I write solar ‘scopes myself and even though I fully understand why public interest in horoscopes makes them a necessity, I don’t fancy reading the same stuff again and again) and it is my opinion that astrology magazines are for astrologers and should be aimed at astrologers and not the lowest common denominator (which is not meant as an insult–I know how much work these things take!). Sun sign columns in their various forms are everywhere and most often for free. So why would I want to read them in a serious astrology magazine? The OPA magazine is gloriously free of the simplistic drivel but even so, I just thought I had enough on my plate.
Research based astrology is one of my passions. It’s why I made such an effort to get to Cape Canaveral for the Kepler Conference. So of course, once I got the tip off, I just had to join OPA. And within 24 hours of joining, I was asked to write an article . . .on research based astrology! I’m delighted to say this article has appeared in the new issue of the online magazine. What a pleasure it is to see my article so beautifully laid out! I sincerely hope it will encourage other astrologers to sharpen their research teeth. And wouldn’t you know it? Agent 12 (Julia Simas), Control of CIA was interviewed!! Could a collaboration be in the cards??? The online version of the OPA magazine can be found here. What a pleasure to see my writing presented so beautifully in a fabulous layout, in an astrology magazine with a thoughtful editorial, a gorgeous, artful front cover and well, to be in great company with Robert Currey, Roy Gillett and David Cochrane. . .what writer could resist getting involved with the OPA?
And on the topic of research. . .I’m am just overwhelmed by being included in Peter Marko’s magnum opus The Lunar Effect Bibliography. This contains all the names and citations of the important researchers who have done work on lunar phases and human behaviour. . .including yours truly!
The ultra nerdy version of my research on adolescent behaviour and lunar phases will soon be published in Correlation which is the academic branch of the Astrological Association. This magazine is for the creme de la creme of astrological researchers so I’m very excited about this too.
They say all good things come to those who wait and Great Goddess, am I ever grateful for hitches and delays! My research on adolescent behaviour has more exposure and attention than I could have ever dreamed of. I hope it brings about a change in the way we educate our children. A lunar calendar in every classroom? Oh yes!!
It’s pretty hard to top being on the front cover of Dell Horoscope. But let me try. . .
After a few years of dithering, I’ve decided to publish my book “Growing Pains” with a new publisher, The Wessex Astrologer. When one has an important message, one has to get with a publisher that cares about the subject. I thought being an author meant that I had to do all the hard work myself. I mean, who knows my book better than me? However, after a few discussions with publisher Margaret Cahill, I knew it was the right move to jump ship. We’ve been feverishly hammering out a more improved “Growing Pains” and I’m just over the moon to announce that several astrologers from around the world have provided endorsements for my work: Erin Sullivan, Anne Whitaker, Rod Suskin, Armand Diaz, Chris Turner and Justice Shankar Nath Kapoor (a retired Delhi High Court Judge) and many others. To tickle the tastebuds, here is what Rod Suskin had to say:
“Alex Trenoweth does that rare thing few astrologers find a way to do: take real astrology out into the world of laypeople and show them how to benefit from its insights. This book can help adolescents themselves, teachers and parents understand one of the most important and powerful pairs of cycles in astrology and discover the wealth they have to offer. Alex draws on her experience as a teacher and astrologer to show how the cycles can be used to grasp and get the best of critical developmental cycles and presents them in a way that brings out the richness and depth of astrology in her inimitable style. I am so pleased this book is out in a new edition: unlike the latest theory on adolescent development its value to parents and students will never go out of style.”
The book is nearly ready for re-publishing. Advance orders can be made here. We’ll have advertisements in various important astrology magazines just in time for Christmas. The Wessex Astrologer is also publishing “The Wolf You Feed” and my next few books as well. More on this as even more things unfold.
Coming up!
As I managed to procure most of the active International Society for Astrological Research’s (ISAR) board to speak in India, it’s only appropriate that I give them a shout out! ISAR has been very good to me and I have felt very welcomed into their fold–and I especially enjoyed their conference last year. Another article (the title is top secret) will be coming out in their excellent magazine soon. They have even been kind enough to invite me to give a webinar for them in a few week’s time. Here is the blurb:
“The Global Village”
“It takes a village to raise a child” goes the old proverb but in these modern times, the concept of “village” has changed wildly. We’ve gone from a world where children used to be able to roam freely to one where children are monitored through technological means. And yet, there is almost a universal acknowledgement that the internet is far from being the safe babysitter we’ve wanted to pretend it could be.
More details as they come out.
And now for India!
Dr Nicholas Campion, Dr Dennis Harness, Dr Glenn Perry, Dr Armand Diaz, Aleksander Imsiragic, Julia Simas, Lynn Bell, Christopher Restroom, Roy Gillett, Maurice Fernandez, Michael Lutin, Rick Levine, Roy Gillett, and most of the OPA board, ISAR board, 14 active CIA agents, and most of Cape Town (OK maybe that’s a slight exaggeration!) as well as many other speakers from around the world, are just some of the lecturers at the conference in India hosted by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology (founded by Sri Gopal Bhattacharjee who is the mastermind of the conference!!). Altogether there will be over 100 speakers from over 20 countries (and 6 continents!) in the first true East Meets West astrology conference. Gopal, like Julia Simas, is exceptionally fussy about who he wants to be involved with and I’m just tickled pink with his choices of speakers and associations! KIA is offering a 10% discount for registrants of the following organisations: OPA, ISAR, CIA, Cape Astrology Association, The Astrological Association and APAI.

We are honoured some of the top astrological associations in the world are supporting us!
I’ve been busy preparing the speakers and conference attendees for the adventure of a lifetime! It’s easy to register and if you have any questions, you can contact me for further information at: alex.trenoweth@gmail.com
One last little thing. . .
I’d greatly appreciate if you could click on this link and like and share my new youtube video: