October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 19, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Should Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference (even if it’s online)

I HIGHLY recommend that starry fans attend at least one conference for astrologers (even if it’s online!!_in their lifetime. The International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) is putting on their astrology conference 10-14 September 2020 in Westminster Colorado and this one is one of my favourites for a lot of reasons. But check out a few of the others–they are diverse, affordable and a lot of fun! At the time of writing, we’re not sure if it will join the FABBO NORWAC conference in being online or if it will be live. It looks increasingly like the former but we’ll […]
February 4, 2021

Lecture Schedule 2021

We all know the Pandemic has drastically changed the way we communicate. When we first locked down, I genuinely thought I wouldn’t make the transition to online learning. But it’s been a CRAZY year for astrology and I’ve never been busier. In 2020, I was even translated into Farsi as well as Mandarin. I’m particularly proud of this and I’m delighted to say there’s so much planned for 2021. One of the things I have not been so good about is keeping my followers informed on online events. This comes down to simply being far too busy: writing, astrology consultations, […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
October 19, 2019

10 Reasons Why You Should Get Yourself to an Astrology Conference (even if it’s online)

I HIGHLY recommend that starry fans attend at least one conference for astrologers (even if it’s online!!_in their lifetime. The International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) is putting on their astrology conference 10-14 September 2020 in Westminster Colorado and this one is one of my favourites for a lot of reasons. But check out a few of the others–they are diverse, affordable and a lot of fun! At the time of writing, we’re not sure if it will join the FABBO NORWAC conference in being online or if it will be live. It looks increasingly like the former but we’ll […]
February 4, 2021

Lecture Schedule 2021

We all know the Pandemic has drastically changed the way we communicate. When we first locked down, I genuinely thought I wouldn’t make the transition to online learning. But it’s been a CRAZY year for astrology and I’ve never been busier. In 2020, I was even translated into Farsi as well as Mandarin. I’m particularly proud of this and I’m delighted to say there’s so much planned for 2021. One of the things I have not been so good about is keeping my followers informed on online events. This comes down to simply being far too busy: writing, astrology consultations, […]