February 9, 2019

The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind”

The Missing Notes! The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind” was not only my first published astrology article, it was also the topic of my first presentation at UAC in 2008. I was no particular fan of the movie or the book–until I found out the main characters were based on the signs of the zodiac. Since the article came out, I’ve heard all sorts of other guesses about what sign a character might be but I used what Margret Mitchell tenuously said they were. Quick Commercial Break! I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it’s almost time […]
April 20, 2019

Interview with David Cochrane

ISAR’s (International Society for Astrological Research) Research Director, David Cochrane, interviews Alex Trenoweth about her research on astrology and education. They talk about managing big data and what it means for astrology. Alex’s research offers a unique way of using astrology and engaging with sceptics. She explains why she continues to teach despite a hectic travelling schedule. Alex also talks about why it is so important for astrologers to work collaboratively. Check out the full interview here The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) wants to hear your research stories. Contact them for more information. Help support research in astrology […]
April 21, 2019

Interview with Mj Patterson

In this interview with Alex Trenoweth for “The Astrology Show” on CKDU radio, Halifax Astrologer and ISAR Global Director (Canada) Mj Patterson discuss Alex’s life as an astrologer posing as a teacher, how she met Gopal Bhattacharjee (founder of the Institute of Vedic Culture in Kolkata India), what she thinks about the future of astrology and a few other surprises (like talking flowers and other mystical moments!). Opening question? “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a crazy job like this?” Alex explains why she continues to teach despite a hectic travelling schedule and also talks about why it is […]
April 27, 2019

Interview with Margaret and Armand

Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz interviewed Alex Trenoweth for their show “Relationships and Astrology“. They discuss the challenges of educating children and how astrology can help. Armand explains why “Growing Pains” is a model astrology book that anyone can access. See the full interview here The trio discuss the importance of the relationships between teachers and their pupils. Alex discloses why the odds are stacked against this possibility. However, she also reveals how astrology can be enormously beneficial. She also points out how Saturn, the planet normally associated with difficulties, becomes the guiding light for parents and teachers. As a […]
May 27, 2019

Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror

This astrological story of Frankenstein, “Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror”, was  originally published in “The International Astrologer”,  Aries 2009 issue for ISAR.  It was re-published in “Astrology Quarterly”, (Vol. 79, No 2) for The Astrological Lodge of London a few years later. The article was updated in late 2016 with a corrected chart for Mary Shelley’s nightmare (which was the inspiration for her book “Frankenstein”) and was re-formated on 14 May 2018, the day before Uranus ingressed into the sign or Taurus. You Have Been Warned. . . “We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man […]
February 9, 2019

The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind”

The Missing Notes! The Astrology of “Gone With the Wind” was not only my first published astrology article, it was also the topic of my first presentation at UAC in 2008. I was no particular fan of the movie or the book–until I found out the main characters were based on the signs of the zodiac. Since the article came out, I’ve heard all sorts of other guesses about what sign a character might be but I used what Margret Mitchell tenuously said they were. Quick Commercial Break! I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it’s almost time […]
April 20, 2019

Interview with David Cochrane

ISAR’s (International Society for Astrological Research) Research Director, David Cochrane, interviews Alex Trenoweth about her research on astrology and education. They talk about managing big data and what it means for astrology. Alex’s research offers a unique way of using astrology and engaging with sceptics. She explains why she continues to teach despite a hectic travelling schedule. Alex also talks about why it is so important for astrologers to work collaboratively. Check out the full interview here The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) wants to hear your research stories. Contact them for more information. Help support research in astrology […]
April 21, 2019

Interview with Mj Patterson

In this interview with Alex Trenoweth for “The Astrology Show” on CKDU radio, Halifax Astrologer and ISAR Global Director (Canada) Mj Patterson discuss Alex’s life as an astrologer posing as a teacher, how she met Gopal Bhattacharjee (founder of the Institute of Vedic Culture in Kolkata India), what she thinks about the future of astrology and a few other surprises (like talking flowers and other mystical moments!). Opening question? “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a crazy job like this?” Alex explains why she continues to teach despite a hectic travelling schedule and also talks about why it is […]
April 27, 2019

Interview with Margaret and Armand

Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz interviewed Alex Trenoweth for their show “Relationships and Astrology“. They discuss the challenges of educating children and how astrology can help. Armand explains why “Growing Pains” is a model astrology book that anyone can access. See the full interview here The trio discuss the importance of the relationships between teachers and their pupils. Alex discloses why the odds are stacked against this possibility. However, she also reveals how astrology can be enormously beneficial. She also points out how Saturn, the planet normally associated with difficulties, becomes the guiding light for parents and teachers. As a […]
May 27, 2019

Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror

This astrological story of Frankenstein, “Herschel, Uranus and Mary Shelley’s Vision of Horror”, was  originally published in “The International Astrologer”,  Aries 2009 issue for ISAR.  It was re-published in “Astrology Quarterly”, (Vol. 79, No 2) for The Astrological Lodge of London a few years later. The article was updated in late 2016 with a corrected chart for Mary Shelley’s nightmare (which was the inspiration for her book “Frankenstein”) and was re-formated on 14 May 2018, the day before Uranus ingressed into the sign or Taurus. You Have Been Warned. . . “We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man […]