When a Flower Speaks
Mystic Moments (video lecture)
June 20, 2020
Lockdown Learning With Jupiter
Lockdown Learning With Jupiter
September 14, 2020
When a Flower Speaks
Mystic Moments (video lecture)
June 20, 2020
Lockdown Learning With Jupiter
Lockdown Learning With Jupiter
September 14, 2020

Oh Be Quiet About Ophiuchus


I CANNOT believe we’re going through this nonsense again. After a friend alerted me that Good Morning Britain had brought in “experts” to talk about Ophiuchus, I had to get busy. Just as we think we can forget how to spell “Ophiuchus”, the topic comes up again. I try not to grumpy about this but it gets rather tiresome. This story comes up every couple of years and I get panic-stricken messages because someone thinks their Sun sign has changed. And the story is used by NASA to bash astrology. So let me slow down and explain why your sign is not going to change.

First of all, to make things as simple as I can so we’ll remember this for next time: there are 12 signs, not 13 signs and don’t be so daft as to mix up signs and constellations! You can’t just stick a constellation in our neatly divided zodiac and erroneously call it a new sign. There are lots of constellations on or near the ecliptic that could be contenders for a new sign of the zodiac but that’s not how things work! And NASA. . .just shut up about astrology, you ignorant bastards. And that goes for you too Independent.

Sorry. I’ll let the grumpiness go. Ophiuchus does have an interesting mythology and here’s a link to it if you are interested.

And here’s something my friend Victor Olliver has posted for you guys who don’t like to read. I get a little mention (thank you darling).

And there’s another video by Patrick Arundell:

International Alex Day!

But enough about Ophiuchus. Cuz it’s an international holiday. Oh yes, it’s my solar return! Actually, as I have the Moon in Leo, the whole entire month of July is dedicated to me. Just get used to it!

So I have an Algol story to end all Algol stories so join me with a crafty glass of something nice and let’s talk about astrology.

I love Algol. I can’t help it. Located at 26 Taurus (3 Taurus or Kritika nakshatra for you siderealists), this fixed star twinkles malefically between the eyes of the beheaded Gorgon Medusa in the Perseus tableau.

A few months ago, I looked at my solar return chart and I saw that Algol was on my MC!!!! Omg, I thought to myself, what have I attracted? Will I lose my head in 2020?

So as lockdown approached back in March, I wanted to make my final days in public count. I know it sounds weird but I wanted to live those final days as if they were my last. I went to school looking the best I could: I wore skirts, put lipstick on and wore my hair down. Because since then, I’ve been wearing track suit bottoms and haven’t been more than 3 blocks from my flat. But I digress.

My Big News. . .

Although I don’t predict doom and gloom with Algol like astrologers did a few centuries ago I do think it makes for pretty intense experiences. So as I stewed with this question, I received a very nice opportunity from the International Society of Astrology Research (ISAR). ISAR wanted me to become their CAPISAR (their astrology qualification) president!! I couldn’t believe it! I would take over the role from the amazing David Railey who is performing miracles in China. Of course, this role requires preparation so David and I had an extensive conversation on what needed to be done. And so to help me prepare, he showed me the birth chart of CAPISAR.

Look at where the Sun is!!! On Algol!!!

Once I recovered from the surprise, it began to make sense and I could see how my new role could play out.

So I got back to this research project I’ve been doing on quintiles and septiles so I had to adjust the aspects setting on Solar Fire. I hadn’t looked at these aspects for my return chart so I thought I’d have a look. Check out those quintiles pointing to my solar return ascendent!

While I was at it, I thought I’d look at the CAPISAR handover chart which is the commencement of my presidency:

It’s the same configuration involving the ascendant! So I think this pretty much means me and CAPISAR have a creative understanding. It’s exciting times even though we’re in lockdown.

However, Ophiuchus is not exciting. Forget about Ophiuchus. It’s fake news and let’s all pronounce Ophuichus like “Oh fuck us” so further fake news can’t be shown before the watershed.

Stay safe! And watch my favourite movie!

Alex Trenoweth
Alex Trenoweth
Alex Trenoweth, MA, DFAstrolS is an astrologer, teacher and author of "Growing Pains", "The Wolf You Feed" and the soon-to-be-released "Mirror Mirror" by The Wessex Astrologer. She travels across the globe lecturing on the topic of Astrology and Education. In 2015, she was voted "Best International Astrologer" for her innovative research on astrology and adolescence. Her work has been published in major astrological magazines around the world such as Dell Horoscope, the International Society of Astrological Research, the Organization for Professional Astrologers and she is co-editor of "Constellation News", one of the largest astrological magazines on the planet.

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