Astrology Conference Review: NORWAC
August 23, 2018Astrology Conference Reviews: Institute of Vedic Culture (IVC)
August 28, 2018All Change in the House of Windsor?
And uh-oh Uranus is now retrograde and will return to the degree it was during the Abdication crisis mid-January 2021. . .Here’s a few more thoughts on what could be coming up for the British Royal family. NB I just realised today I had the wrong year for the first sentence–it should be 2021, not 2020 as it was originally written. Bad Alex (who can’t even confidently tell you what day it is in Lockdown).
Back in November 2019, with the Prince Andrew scandal heating up, I thought it might be time for a little update on this article. Because, wouldn’t you know it, Prince Andrew has his natal Moon opposite to Algol and the Sun is about to transit it! On the night of Prince Andrew’s pizza-dinner-with-his-daughter-evening, Saturn was conjunct Algol!
I had been steadfastly ignoring Andrew for years, not really considering him a key player in the Royal Family once William started having children.
In 13 January 2020, I re-read this article and checked out what I had written about Meghan and Harry! Scroll down to the last few paragraphs if you want to skip the history lesson.
Here is a link to a new article about the British Royal Family and the Great Conjunctions.
And Koo “I can vouch for Andrew” Stark (born 26 April 1956) has Mercury conjunct Algol!
Funny how no one is talking about Andrew these days. . .
Quick Commercial Break
I hate to remind you but summer is almost finished and it’s almost time to get ready to go back to school! I know you parents are happy! And all you teachers out there, I sympathise.
I have a little sweetener: a little gift especially for those who are parenting or teaching 12 year olds: a little PDF I put together to help you make the most of this important year of development. The link can be found here.
In the coming days, I will be writing my yearly back-to-school guide for all the Jupiter signs so you can start the new school year with a little help from the stars. Subscribe to my website to join my newsletter to keep on top of special offers.
In the coming days, I will be writing my yearly back-to-school guide for all the Jupiter signs so you can start the new school year with a little help from the stars. Subscribe to my website to join my newsletter to keep on top of special offers.
If you’re an astrologer and you’d like to learn about how to support parents and their children with astrology, why not join me for the International Society of Astrological Research Intensive webinar starting in a few weeks?
More resources for parents and teachers
How could even think about starting the school year without knowing where Jupiter is this year? If you don’t know where Jupiter is in your chart, then here’s a free chart calculation service.
For just $19.99, you can order an Adolescent Astrology Report straight from my website. It’s beautifully illustrated and is packed with important information about your child’s potential so you can support them during the most critical time of their lives. You just enter your details, pay via PayPal and then download your report. It’s that easy. Other types of reports also available.
My book “Growing Pains: Astrology in Adolescence” is packed full of information to help you understand how your child learns. You can buy it on Amazon or you can purchase a signed copy here. Here are some reviews.
If you’d like a family consultation, you can place your order here.
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A Little Background. . .
Back in May 2018 as Uranus was about to ingress into Taurus in May 2018, I wrote an article for the ISAR journal which was published later that summer. The full text is below (with updates).
I spoke about this in an NYC interview just as we were boarding the UAC “Love Train” in May 2018. Algol and the Royal Family were also my topics in India in February 2018 and in Connecticut in September 2018.
What did I predict? It’s obvious the Queen, due to her age, is about to step down from the throne. But I think Algol makes things a little more interesting. . .It looks like 2020/21 could be the 4th time three kings have sat on the British throne in one year.
The three times there were three kings on the British throne in one year were:
- 1066 (Edward the Confessor, Harold Godwinson and William the Conqueror)
- 1483 (Edward IV, Edward V and Richard III)
- 1936 (George V, Edward VIII, George VI)
Here’s why I think Algol is so important in the British Royal family.
Copyright: Alex Trenoweth, 2019
The Death of Harold Godwinson
One of the biggest scrums for the Royal crown took place on what is now the town of Battle, East Sussex, 8 miles northwest of Hastings.
Central to this scramble for the throne was the death of Edward the Confessor who left no known living heirs. On the king’s death, Harold Godwinson seized the crown. However, with jealous eyes upon him, it was only a matter of time before Harold and his supporters were at war with other contenders, Harold Hadrada and the man who would be the new king, William-the-soon-to-be-Conqueror.
Godwinson died and William conquered as Neptune was at 24 Taurus. This particular degree of Taurus would be very important in the key players and future events regarding the Royal Family. For the moment, look on this event as a major turning point in history: William the Conquerer would go on to change the entire landscape and political climate in England for the next several centuries. In fact, many of his structures are still standing. Check out the Tower of London some time.
England’s Ultimate Bad Boy
Another major turning point in English history was the death of the “dreaded” Richard III the dastardly ward of the Princes of the Tower in the late 15 century. Shakespeare turned Richard III into one of the best villains in the English language. However embellished his badness may be, Richard III really did meet Death on the fields of Bosworth. Thus ending the War of the Roses as well as the Plantagenet family line, Uranus was at 24 Scorpio, opposing the Neptune of Herald Godwinson’s demise.
The end of the Plantagenets was the beginning of the Tudors. And who could be a better Tudor than Elizabeth I (aside from her father Henry VIII)? The “Virgin Queen” died with no heirs when Jupiter was at 22 Scorpio. Welcome to the Stuarts and the Algol connection.
Enter Algol
The “fixed” star Algol, currently located at 26°25′ Taurus, is associated with the Gorgon Medusa. In the myth, Medusa was cursed to have snaky locks of hair and turned all her looked at her into stone. She was eventually beheaded, so the story goes, by the hero Perseus who used a mirror to reflect her image so he didn’t suffer being petrified like his friends.
Astronomically, Algol is a binary star system that gives a sense of twinkling between the eyes of the constellation of the severed head of Medusa which Perseus holds aloft in the heavens. Once a year, the Perseid meteor shower sparkles from the sword of the heavenly hero in mid-August.
Although technically labelled a “fixed” star, Algol moves about one degree every 72 years against the backdrop of stars. Usually only a two degree orb is used for planetary connections. Algol is said to be one of the most feared stars although modern astrologers tend to move away from the associations with headlessness and interpret connections with intensity, jealousy and passion.
(But it’s way more fun to associate it with decapitations.)
Off With their Heads!
The most famous and tragic Stuart was Charles I who, beheaded on 30 January 1649, was born with Mercury at 22 Scorpio and his Sun at 27 Scorpio.
History remembers Charles I for his abuse of power and his belief in the divine right of kings to do as they pleased. He tried to force high Anglican practices on a largely Puritan population (this being the group who set sail to the Americas earlier in the 17th century) and generally irritated everyone so much he was blamed for the English Civil War.
After the beheading of King Charles I, his son fled to France during the Interregnum led by Oliver Cromwell. It’s an astrological pity Cromwell’s Venus in the final minutes of Taurus just misses being in orb of Algol. Although Cromwell died of natural causes on 3 September 1658, his body was exhumed on the 12th anniversary of Charles I’s execution. As Saturn was at 22 degrees Scorpio, Cromwell was “posthumously executed” and his head was severed from his body and displayed on a pole outside of Westminster Hall. Interestingly, Cromwell’s head kept popping up in various places and it seems no one conclusively knows of its whereabouts.
The Merry Monarch
Charles I’s son, Charles II who became known as the “Merry Monarch” had Pluto at 21 Taurus. During the mid 17th century, father and son’s Mercury and Pluto would have been within orb of Algol. The current Prince Charles of Wales is presumably named after the beheaded king which is rather nice as they have a Moon-Uranus conjunction in the very early degrees of Taurus.
The British line of succession was also disrupted in 1714 after the death of Queen Anne. King George I, of Hanover, was recruited to be the king of England due to the lack of an heir. George I had his N/S Node on 3 Scorpio/Taurus which, as we saw earlier, is quite relevant to what is going on with the current Royal Family. This King was the grandfather of George III who every American schoolchild knows was the crazy king on the throne when America declared its independence from the Motherland.
The Abdication Crisis
With all the wars and head chopping going on one would be forgiven for thinking that everyone wanted to be a monarch.
Well this would seem to hold true for everyone except Edward VIII who caused a constitutional crisis when he decided to marry Wallis Simpson. Edward VIII had Venus at 23 Taurus, conjunct Algol. His brother George the VI, the father of the current Queen, had Uranus and the Moon at 22 and 24 Scorpio respectively. He ascended to the throne nearly a year after the death of his father on 11 December 1936 when Uranus was a 6 Taurus. His father, King George V, had died on 20 January 1936, hastened by a lethal injection (yes really), when Uranus was at 1 Taurus.
On 15 August 2020, Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde and will station on 6 degrees Taurus (where it was during the Abdication crisis) mid January 2021. There has already been an abdication of sorts when Harry and Meghan left the Firm but could there be more to come? Transiting Uranus will oppose Charles’ Mercury so we’ll have to watch and see. T Uranus will trine Charles’ natal Saturn which rules his 6th and 7th houses.
The Algol Connection
Edward the VIII (whose abdication made it possible for the current Queen to take the throne) had Algol conjunct Venus as did Diana, Princess of Wales and her son William. Prince Harry’s Moon is at 21 Taurus, a few degrees out of orb to make a solid connection to Algol. However, the marriage of Charles and Diana took place when Uranus was at 26 Scorpio, directly opposite of Algol. During Diana’s interview with Martin Bashir for Panorama on 20 November 1995, both the Sun and Mercury were within one degree of the Uranus in the wedding chart. In this interview she admitted to infidelity and explained that her marriage to Charles was “a bit crowded”.
Queen Elizabeth II has her MC/IC axis at 25 Taurus/Scorpio. Prince Charles lacks Algol contacts but his mentor Louis, Lord Mountbatten has Mars at 28 Taurus.
The New Generation
Prince George (born 22 July 2013 at 16:24pm) has his asc/dec axis on 27 Scorpio-Taurus. Note transiting the ingress of Uranus into Taurus will square his natal Sun. Princess Charlotte (born 2 May 2015 at 8:34 am) has Mars at 23 Taurus, just a little short of a conjunction with Algol. The latest baby Prince Louis (born on 23 April 2018 at 11:01am) has Venus just a few minutes away from being in orb of Algol.
The “Spare’s” Royal Wedding
Prince Harry exchanged vows with Mehgan Markle when the Sun was at 28 Taurus! Uranus would have ingressed into Taurus just a few days before on 15 May 2018 at 16:16 in London. This means Uranus is transiting Prince Charles’ Moon at 0 Taurus!. The New Moon in that chart is at. . . wait for it. . .26 Taurus on Algol!
Bearing in mind that the last time an American divorcee married into Royalty, it caused an Abdication Crisis, this marriage is something to keep an eye on.
Wallis Simpson, born with the Sun at 29 degrees Taurus just missed the Algol connection. But she and Meghan have a Moon-Pluto conjunction at 21 degrees Libra which will be in square aspect to transiting Pluto in early 2019. Having somewhat common backgrounds, perhaps Meghan is a part of the healing process of the Abdication Crisis. By the way Camilla’s North Node is at 29 degrees Taurus. . .
Also, Meghan’s Uranus is at 26 degrees Scorpio, opposite Algol.
Trump Eclipses the Queen
During his controversial state visit to England, US President Donal Trump allegedly “eclipsed” the Queen of England by appearing to break royal protocol several times. The visit “coincided” with a total solar eclipse on 13 July 2018. During this eclipse, transiting Pluto was exactly on the Queen’s natal nodal axis and opposed the Sun and Moon of the eclipse. Just check out this video:
TheFull Moon 24 October 2018
Meghan’s pregnancy was announced to the public on 15 October 2018. On the 24 October 2018, the Full Moon was be at 1 degree Taurus, conjunct Uranus and the ascendant set for London! And check this out: Transiting Jupiter was at 27 degrees Scorpio (on Meghan’s Uranus)!
The day before, Queen Elizabeth spoke publicly about Brexit for the first time. During a state banquet for the King of the Netherlands and his wife Queen Maxima, she said that “as we look toward a new partnership with Europe”, the values shared by the UK and Holland “are our greatest assets”.
Owing to the retrograde motion of Uranus, it re-entered Aries on the 6th November. This of course means, Uranus will eventually turn direct (6 Jan 2019), re-enter Taurus (6 March 2019) and again transits those crucial early degrees in the charts of the major players in the Royal Family–including Prince Harry who has Pluto at 0 degrees Scorpio.
By the 27th of March, Uranus will be again at 1 degree Taurus which was where it was when King George V died. It will be too early for the arrival of Harry and Meghan’s baby so what other news awaits us?
The central players to this are of course the current Elizabeth II, the Queen of England who has the Sun at 0 degrees Taurus and her heir apparent Prince Charles who has the Moon at 0 degree Taurus. Both will be affected by Uranus moving back and forth over their lights. The Queen will be 94 in 2020 and will have been on the throne since 1953. Prince Charles turned 71 on the 14 November 2019. That’s a long time to have been waiting to be King. The problem of course is that the British public don’t seem to have forgiven him for his disastrous first marriage. His own parents didn’t even attend his wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles (although this may have more to do with the Queen being the Supreme Governor of the Church of England).
Camilla’s Chiron is at 2 degrees Scorpio and already she’s dropped out of two tours in 2019, leaving Charles to fend for himself in Australia and Nigeria. She was reported to have said she doesn’t want to take too much on. Could she not be up to the demands of being the royal consort if Charles does become king?
Taurus is a sign not known for its flexibility. With the planet of sudden changes and upheavals transiting the lights of The Queen and her son, the British Royal Family, held for so long in stability by the current monarch, may just be in for a shake-up.
And um. . .the Full Moon on 18 May 2019 was at 27 Scorpio which of course means the Sun is on Algol.
Harry and Meghan’s baby was born when the Moon was just a couple of degrees past Algol but as this new baby is 7th in line to the throne, perhaps this is not such a starry tragedy. But then the current Queen was not expected to ascend to throne either! I won’t comment too much on the new baby’s chart itself except to make a few general observations.
It is very interesting is that the baby’s Mercury and Uranus is conjunct the Queen’s Sun and Charles’ Moon. It seems to me the birth of this child will change something within the royal family. As I have pointed out, astrology or no, the Queen’s age means change is imminent. Transiting Saturn and Pluto are conjunct her ascendant in Capricorn so I think we will see changes to the established sooner rather than later.
Equally interesting is that the sidereal chart of the new royal baby contains 3 exalted planets, including the most auspicious Sun and Moon in sidereal Aries and Taurus respectively.
The day of the Full Moon opposite the Sun on Algol on the 18 May 2019 was the day of Lady Gabriella Windsor’s wedding–an event Prince Harry attended without his wife as she was recovering from the birth of her child.
The tabloids have been kept very busy with speculation about a fallout between William and Harry during the summer of 2019. Like his elder brother, Harry has leapt to his wife’s defence from the media.
The Full Moon on the 12 November 2019 is conjunct the natal Moon of Harry and the natal Chiron of Meghan. It seems the family is at a turning point and decisions surrounding their security will be made. Let us not forget Wallis Simpson and Meghan Markle have an exact Moon-Pluto conjunction in Libra and that both are American divorcees. And there’s a Uranus return on the Abdication Crisis due very shortly. Personally, I always rather thought they look alike too:
There are far too many “coincidences” in these charts. Something is afoot. . .we’ll just have to be patient for the announcements!
My thanks to my Facebook friends for making very astute connections!
Do you have Algol in your chart? Would you like to know what the Uranus ingress will change for you? Why not get in touch? Skype AstroAlex1984 to schedule a consultation.
[…] astrologer talk about? Of course it had to be a certain Royal wedding and its connections with a certain star! Apparently our interview will be played–wait for it!–in the back of New York taxis! […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]
[…] All Change in the House of Windsor? […]