Mirror Mirror: BIRD
August 29, 2024
Astrological Dreamwork: Out With a Bang
September 10, 20245-Star Amazon Review for “Mirror Mirror”

I’ve received such great feedback for my latest book, “Mirror Mirror: The Astrology of Famous People and the Actors Who Portayed Them”. The book was so much fun to write but so heavy with data, it was hell to edit. Anyway, me and my publisher Margaret Cahill (The Wessex Astrologer) finally did it!
Here’s And here’s a full review from Anne Whitaker: An original piece of astro-research: a labour of love and obsession Subtitled ‘The astrology of Famous People and the Actors who portrayed them’ Alex Trenoweth’s latest book has given her a great opportunity to unleash her inner film buff – and she certainly does that to great effect in this well-researched volume which contains over one hundred essays bringing together famous people, their actors and the release dates of the films in which they starred. The way in which the book is structured has truly enhanced its content: there is so much material, so much detail in here that one could feel quite overwhelmed by it. But I loved its structure: each section is named for each of the ten planets, Moon’s Nodes and Chiron in reverse order starting from Pluto, followed by a section on Multiples ….‘sometimes a character has such a profound impact on culture that more than one film is required…’ eg serial killer Ted Bundy, UK monarch Elizabeth Ist, and scientist Stephen Hawking. The book concludes with an 18-film list of Trenoweth’s favourites, amongst them being Erin Brockovitch featuring Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise in Born on the Fourth of July – and the author’s top favourite, Taron Egerton’s stunning performance as Elton John in Rocketman. I don’t think this is a book where you start at the beginning and read it all the way through: my approach was to read the generous Foreword from Julia Parker – that venerable maestro of bringing astrology to the masses (I still have a battered copy of Derek and Julia’s Parker’s Astrology bought in 1981) – followed by Trenoweth’s witty and engaging Introduction, then a first dip into some essays from the planetary headings attracting me the most. Beginning by diving into the Pluto section (I have five Pluto conjunctions, lucky old me…) I was instantly gripped by reading about Liam Neeson’s links with Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List. As the author herself so graphically puts it: ‘…Without question, Liam Neeson’s Pluto/South Node conjunction enabled him to tap into Oskar Schindler’s Chiron, demonstrating for all of us that as long as there are people around like Oskar Schindler there is still hope amidst the depths of such appalling cruelty…’ ( p.1) This, of course, led me on to a fascinated meander through the section on the Nodes: with my ninth house North Node exactly conjunct MC, I’ve long been preoccupied by the fated interconnections between people which Nodal links to horoscopic planets and Angles seem to indicate. My approach to Alex Trenoweth’s book also serves to make a point which she highlighted herself: those films/actors most potently attractive to her also linked in strongly with her horoscope. I’ll leave the reader– even if you are not a film buff, as an astrologer or beginning astrology student you will find this book really absorbing – to continue dipping in and out of this original piece of astro-research which is truly a labour of love and obsession. If I don’t, this review could go on forever! Suffice it to say by way of conclusion that Alex Trenoweth in this highly original, entertaining and engagingly written volume, has highlighted one of the most profound dimensions, if not the foundational dimension on which astrology rests: ie everything is profoundly interconnected. As above, so below. Also, speaking here as an adult education teacher of long and varied duration, I wish I’d had this book when fully engaged in teaching astrology classes. I’d certainly have recommended it as a great resource for students – and used it myself to demonstrate convincingly how astrology works in real life. Well done, Alex!