Alex Trenoweth
Childhood Education: A study by a teacher and astrologer
August 27, 2024
Astrology for teachers
Astrology for Teachers
August 28, 2024
Alex Trenoweth
Childhood Education: A study by a teacher and astrologer
August 27, 2024
Astrology for teachers
Astrology for Teachers
August 28, 2024

Astrology Parent Hack!

a young girl holding a flower

Photo by Barbara Olsen on

Last summer I had the pleasure of being interview by the wonderful Steffie James who is the astrologer for several magazines and radio stations. We discussed an astrology parent hack that can really help parents and teachers understand the children in their care. Stef and I met at the Astrological Lodge of London a good decade ago. She was just getting started on her astrological journey so it was fun to catch up and see how far she’s come.

Astro parenting hack
Me and Steffie on a night out

Stef is a new mother and I love how she wanted to use astrology to bring out the best in her little boy and to ensure she can help support his teachers with astrology.

Here’s the interview As always, please like on YouTube and share if you enjoyed it.

If you’re interested in supporting your child with astrology, why not book a family consultation? A family consultation can help you understand your children better, improve sibling relationships and help your child get the most out of their education. As I’m back to teaching, weekends are usually the best time to contact me.

No time for a full consultation? Well there’s always my astrology reports which are newly fixed and ready to enjoy.

Alex Trenoweth
Alex Trenoweth
Alex Trenoweth, MA, DFAstrolS is an astrologer, teacher and author of "Growing Pains", "The Wolf You Feed" and the soon-to-be-released "Mirror Mirror" by The Wessex Astrologer. She travels across the globe lecturing on the topic of Astrology and Education. In 2015, she was voted "Best International Astrologer" for her innovative research on astrology and adolescence. Her work has been published in major astrological magazines around the world such as Dell Horoscope, the International Society of Astrological Research, the Organization for Professional Astrologers and she is co-editor of "Constellation News", one of the largest astrological magazines on the planet.

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