May 28, 2021

Buy me a coffee?

Is it time to buy me a coffee? Ever since my book “Growing Pains” came out in 2013, I have been devoting myself to showing parents and teachers how they can use astrology to help their children. If you’ve ever wondered how you can help, the buy me a coffee site has just made things a lot easier. How you can make a difference Saturn in Aquarius has made us hyper aware of the inequities in the world. This hurts us in many different ways but as a teacher, I know that there are children who do not have what […]
March 7, 2021

The Jupiter Return of the Death of Diana

The Jupiter Return is when the transiting planet Jupiter returns to the degree it was at birth. Occurring about every 12 years, it marks important stages of development, particularly in adolescence. Do you think such an event would have no meaning? Well check out how it is playing out for Prince Harry. In just under 12 hours at 1am on the 8 March 2021 (GMT), the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Here in the UK, we’ll be able to watch the interview on ITV on 8 March 2021 at 9pm. But before that, there […]
September 14, 2020

Lockdown Learning With Jupiter

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to host my good friends Sonal Sachdeva, Sol Jonassen and Mychal Bryan for a panel discussion on Lockdown Learning With Jupiter with the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. We talked about astrology and learning styles, especially for the benefit of parents who are having to home educate their children during lockdown. Each panelist had a particular way of using astrology to help their clients. Sol, a healer as well as an astrologer, spoke about the esoteric nature of Jupiter. Mychal spoke about his experiences with Jupiter in Virgo and how he fits in the astrology […]
June 4, 2020

Safeguarding and Child Protection in Astrology

This article was originally published in the Organization for Professional Astrology magazine, The Career Astrologer in March 2020. It is the first part of a four part series. Safeguarding and Child Protection guidelines are pretty much universal in agreement. These guidelines aim to do exactly as they say. Adults who work directly with children receive special training that enables them to protect the children in their care. The training also protects the adult from unwittingly putting themselves in compromised positions. In schools, this training is regarded to be so important that it is updated at the start of every term. […]
November 19, 2019

International Acclaim for Growing Pains

A few years ago, I wrote the book that changed my life. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received from parents, teachers and fellow astrologers. If you’re looking for something special ,”Growing Pains” makes a great gift! Before we go any further, please follow me on social media. I’m active on Facebook (@growingpainsadolescence), Twitter, youtube and Linkedin (@alextrenoweth) and Instagram (@astrology.conference.ace). If you’d like to have a chart reading, please make an appointment via my products page. My book “Growing Pains” is also available for purchase here. Don’t forget there are lots of astrology conferences happening all over the world. I love to travel […]
November 11, 2019

In Cold Blood: the Book that Shocked America

On 14 November 1957, the Clutter Family was murdered in cold blood by intruders. The non fiction novel based on the murders, “In Cold Blood”, was written by the American author Truman Capote. The book detailed the horrific murder of the Clutter family. Completed in 1966, just after the execution of the perpetrators, “In Cold Blood” was an instant bestseller. Arguably, Capote also made the two murderers, Richard Hickok and Perry Smith posthumously famous. However, Capote was condemned for using the gruesome details of the murders to bring attention to his book. More recently, “In Cold Blood” has been criticised for […]
October 12, 2019

Rohini Academy: Intro to Tarot Course

In this intro to Tarot Course, you will earn how to read tarot cards in a fun environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet new, like-minded people! The 7 week class will allow you to become familiar with the meanings of the cards. You will practice with fellow classmates and learn how to develop your intuition in a safe environment. Please bring your own tarot deck. There may be a few decks to borrow if you’d like to “test drive” new ones. The class will meet on Saturdays from 1-2pm from 19 October-14 December (no class on 26 Oct […]
October 7, 2019

Northern Stars Astrology Conference Review

Northern Stars was the first astrology conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It featured 12 lecturers from the Maritimes area–and me who is a Maritimes wannabe. Mj Patterson (The Halifax Astrologer) likes to blame me for inflicting all the stress and responsibility of the organisation of Northern Stars onto her shoulders. Her version of the story goes that I asked her to arrange a speaking gig for me and before she knew what was happening, it all morphed into a full on conference. My version of the story is that Mj is just an all around major talent, […]
September 29, 2019

Canadian Astrology Conference Review

I was first introduced to Canadian astrology way back in 2014 via Donna Van Toen and the State of the Art Astrology Conference (SOTA). Although SOTA is held on American soil, it featured many Canadian astrologers and these contacts expanded into such a formidable circle that it eventually led to me being asked to give the keynote lecture at the Canadian Astrology Conference (CAC) in Edmonton Alberta, 13-15 September 2019. CAC combines the talents of the Edmonton Astrological Society and The Astrologers of Calgary and, quite rightly (as they are under represented and often confused with their American cousins), features […]
April 8, 2019

OPA: Another fabulous review

Thank you so much to OPA and particularly Arlan Wise for the thoughtful review of “Mirror Mirror”. Arlan gave me the best ever compliment: “Alex works with children and she knows how to make learning fun”. Thank you Arlan. You can download the full PDF of The Career Astrologer at: You can also order “Mirror Mirror” from Amazon at:…/dp/1910531553/ref=sr_1_1… This book teaches synastry from an unusual perspective using the cinematic lens. Author Alex Trenoweth chose 100 biopics (movies about real people) to demonstrate astrological connec- tions between the main character, the actor who portrayed the character, and the […]